"If you want to fly with the Banshees, you have to go where the Banshees are! HOOAH!"
"Jake Sully will go first!"
"SooOuLow, SooOuLow, Jake!"
"You must fly now, flying seals the bond."
Saturday at the Camp blocker practice, Dry Glucher broke through the .40 barrier and was consistently shooting in the .39s. Hi Strung broke the .35 barrier and reached down into the .34s. There is no reason that they can't be consistently in the high 3s and low 3s respectively, shooting with 80% accuracy. All they have to do is seal the bond. They have to make that draw their own and never go back.
They do that by finalizes that draw as their draw. Blocker targets have nothing to do with it. The clock has nothing to do with it.
Dry Gulcher probably has the easier task. I think it will be easier for him to bond with that draw. He simply has a .39 draw when freed from thinking about it. To bond with it, he needs to go the wall to measure and calculate his 6 feet target height. Once he has his target height, he draws two lines one 3 inches above the target height and one 3 inches below the target height. Then fly! Shoot from 6 feet. Maybe 50 rounds. No light! No time! Time is irrelevant! Can't miss! He doesn't have to worry about where he hits. His body and subconscious will walk the hits into the target zone. What he would be doing is finalizing his draw. Bonding with it while chunking data. Putting those small adjustments to walk the hits to the light into his subconscious at .39 speed. He will get faster.
Once he has bonded with that .39 draw, never ever look back. Never ever slow down. I don't care if he misses 30 in a row. The draw is good. His fastest draw will be his most accurate draw. Misses are an alignment problem not a draw problem.
Hi Strung's task is a more difficult one. He just has too many draws. I don't know which he shot when he was hitting those .34s, but he too must fly with one draw. To be constantly changing takes one into the agony of the mind. Any thought is bad.
I hope these gunslinger will not be offended by my analysis but I see so much potential. I would prefer that they stay where they are because then I have a chance against them. Grailfever is a terrible and limiting disease. The myth that you have to slow down to hit accounts for more loses than wins. Bond with that draw, then never worry about hitting or time. Hits and time will take care of themselves. Your job, if you accept it, is alignment and mental toughness.
"SooOuLow, SooOuLow......You must fly now, flying seals the bond."
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