Monday, June 20, 2016


For those trying to master the Alleluia training regiment, it is about time for a test.  You should be well on your way to finalizing your draw.  Hopefully you have at least 500 rounds under your belt.

What I want you to do is to shoot 20 rounds at five feet on a target that has no markings on it.  Nothing to aim at.  Shoot your best and quickest draw, the one you have been finalizing.  No lollygagging.  If your first shot is a good draw, feels good to you then that hit, no matter where it is, is your target.  If it was a bad draw, start over with a clean target.

Shoot the next 19 rounds at that first hit.  We are not chunking, just testing how well you have finalized your draw. After you are done, evaluate your group.  Take and draw a five inch circle around the body of your hits.  Then count the hits outside of the five inch circle.  A five inch circle is the same as a 21 inch target at 21 feet.

If 4 or less are outside the circle, you have successfully finalized your draw.  You will hit better than 80% if you can use that draw.

If 8 to 4 are outside the circle, you still need some work.  You should shoot better than 60% and this is consider adequate by some, but not by me.

If more than 8 are outside the circle, you are still struggling with your draw.  My guess would be that your draw varies draw to draw.

I suggest you change your practice routine based on these results.  If 20% of your shots were outside the circle, then 20% of your time should be spent finalizing your draw.  If 50% of your shots were outside the circle then 50% of your time should be spent finalizing your draw.

Once you have finalized your draw your can combine this practice with reaction time practice.  If you have better 80% within the circle you can shoot on the light at five feet and you are practicing reaction time at the same time as you continue to finalize your draw.  Rodeo Romeo posted a picture of 10 shots on the light at 3 feet in a 3 inch circle. Great illustration of someone with a finalized draw. Don't know how he is at chunking data, but is draw is finalized.

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